(2007-2011) The goals of these courses (EducationUSA Adviser Orientation and Fundamentals of EducationUSA Advising) were to provide EducationUSA advisers with the information and skills needed to assist students in accessing U.S. higher education opportunities. These online courses provided in-depth knowledge on topics ranging from the U.S. higher education system; the admissions and financial processes; and professional development for EducationUSA advisers worldwide. The course included scenario-based questions, activities, and graded final exams to test the advisers’ knowledge at the end of each section.
The website, Your 5 Steps to U.S. Study, gave students additional information about U.S. higher education opportunities, and step-by-step instructions on how to prepare and apply to colleges and universities within the United States. This project also included marketing materials that was provided to universities nationwide to promote education abroad.
Project management + Art direction + Design + Development